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10 Amazing Things the Female Body Can Do—Even If You Didn’t Know It

Updated: Oct 2, 2024

The female body is truly remarkable, capable of things many of us don't even realise until they happen. Women from the BuzzFeed Community have shared some of their surprising experiences, and they may just leave you in awe. Here’s what they revealed:

Note: Some responses have been edited for length and clarity.

1. Perimenopause Can Start Sooner Than You Think
"Women should be prepared to experience perimenopause in their early 30s. I went through menopause at 44, with perimenopause starting at 37. I felt like I was losing my mind, especially since no doctor mentioned perimenopause at such a young age. Going through it while raising four young children was tough, and I needed antidepressants to cope. I chose a natural route with no hormones." — Heggie

2. Vaginal Farts Are a Thing
"I had no idea you could fart through your vagina. I always thought it only happened through your butt, so I was really confused when it first happened to me. Nobody talked about it where I grew up, so I didn’t know it was even possible." — Anonymous

3. Cryptic Pregnancies Are Real
"My friend’s daughter had a cryptic pregnancy—just like something out of TLC’s *I Didn’t Know I Was Pregnant*. She gave birth in her college dorm room, terrified because, as a nursing student, she knew the dangers of not having prenatal care. She’s now dealing with postpartum depression, compounded by guilt and shame, and is seeing a therapist." — cmm21271

4. Bleeding During Pregnancy Doesn’t Always Mean Miscarriage

"At 12 weeks pregnant, I suddenly felt a huge gush of blood. I was convinced I was having a miscarriage and rushed to my OB-GYN. Thankfully, the baby’s heartbeat was strong, and I was diagnosed with placenta previa. The bleeding persisted for weeks but eventually stopped. I delivered a healthy 8-pound boy. If you experience bleeding during pregnancy, don’t panic—just see your doctor right away and follow their advice." —Julia, 35

5. Some Hymens Need Medical Attention
"Sometimes a hymen doesn’t break or has only a very small opening. I had my period for years but couldn’t use tampons—they just wouldn’t go in. A visit to the gynecologist revealed I needed a hymenectomy for an imperforate hymen. It’s rare, but it happens!" — jessiemac317

6. A Heart Murmur Can Sound Like Two Heartbeats
"I was born with a heart murmur, passed down from my dad. It sounds like I have two heartbeats, and sometimes it feels like my heart skips a beat. Once, a doctor even thought I was pregnant after listening to my chest!" — pullhandlesupnotout

7. Birth Control Can Have Unexpected Effects
"I tried several birth control methods due to PCOS. The first was great, but Nexplon was a nightmare. When I switched back to the first pill, it was a totally different experience. The next pill made my migraines worse, so my doctor recommended an IUD. I love it, but it took 18 months for my period to disappear. Even then, I still get mood swings, migraines, acne, and cravings—what I call a 'pseudo period.'" — b_chem_p

8. Listen to Your Body, Not Just Your Doctor
"After having my first child at 30, I developed chest pain and trouble breathing. My PCP dismissed it as allergic bronchitis, but an ER visit revealed a large tumor wrapped around my heart and lungs. It was benign but required major surgery. Never let a doctor dismiss your concerns—find one who listens." — pastelpuppy70

9. Bartholin Cysts Can Be Persistent
"At 23, I developed a Bartholin cyst. After it burst, it kept coming back despite antibiotics. Eventually, I had surgery, but a year later, another cyst appeared on the other side. After five years, I'm still dealing with it, and the lack of effective treatment is exhausting." —Anonymous, 29

10. Fallopian Tube Removal Can Intensify Periods
"Despite fallopian tubes not being directly involved in menstruation, my periods became much more intense after having them removed. The cramps, vaginal pain, and blood flow were significantly worse." —Anonymous

These experiences highlight the incredible and sometimes surprising things a woman’s body can go through. Understanding and sharing these stories can help us better navigate the unique challenges and marvels of female biology.

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